Google Maps Connecting Librarians Around the USA
I was first introduced to developing your own Google Maps when trying to convince my son not to move to Los Angeles. I sent him a link to Los Angeles Gangs (which is quite informative) as a joke, but was fascinated by the ability to create my own personal or family map.
Fast forward two years. In 2015,I joined the Transitions to College Committee, a part of ALA, a national organization, to work on a project. The focus was to connect public, school and academic librarians locally. Our intention is to help all students connect to the library or a librarian, regardless of where they are located. We created a Google Form to collect information, and members of the committee would take turns placing "pins" on the map related to the type of library represented. This map has been active for quite a few years and I have made quite a few library friends across the country because of it.
Very easy to use and embed, Google Maps has created a tool that can not only keep your loved ones from moving to the other side of the country (he would have gone if he really wanted to) but also, create a social network that may have never existed.
Please check out our map and let me know what you think. If you are a librarian, feel free to join. If not, find a librarian near you by using our map.
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