So Many Tools...So Little Time

This class has reminded me of the great teacher I used to be (sarcasm).  I was an early adopter.  I jumped on Edmodo when it launched.  I created online tests for my students with the four big greyish off-white computers we had in the classroom.  I had a Mimio when they were first introduced.  I like to think of myself as a "game-changer". 

Keeping up with tech, though can be overwhelming. I found myself wanting to try everything that was out there, kinda reminds me of the first time I walked into the public library as a school librarian.  Overwhelmingly, Awesome!  You have to step back though and evaluate.  You have to think about what your objectives are for the tools and most of all, how the students will respond to whatever you are using.  Here is an article that may help you get started by Dr. Jason Rhode.

 Steps for Choosing the Best Technology Tools for Your Teaching


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